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End of Year Awards (LUAU) and More!

Important Dates:

May 10 (Friday)

End of Year Celebration (LUAU)

  • Please make note of this, if you would like to attend. We have to turn a guest list into the office, so please write the names of those attending if you are coming.

  • We will have awards at 2:00 in our library.

May 14 (Tuesday)

EKU Planetarium Field Trip

  • Please send in your permission slip and money as soon as possible.

  • We will wear our classroom tie-dyed tee shirts on this day Mrs. Candy and I have our class field trip tee shirts at school. Students will just change their shirt at school before we leave for our trip.

  • Please send your child to school in tennis shoes on this day. We will be doing a lot of walking.

May 20 (Monday)


  • GAMES Day is similar to a field day. We will wear our classroom tie-dyed tee shirts on this day Mrs. Candy and I have our class field trip tee shirts at school.

  • More information to come!

May 21 (Tuesday)

No School

  • There is no school on Tuesday it is Election Day.

May 24 (Friday)

Last Day of Kindergarten

  • This will be the last day of school for students in Jessamine County.

Wish List!

  • Gallon Ziploc Freezer Bags

  • Clorox Wipes

  • Small treats for end of the day (cereal, skittles…..etc)

Specials Schedule

Monday (Day 1) –Science

Tuesday (Day 2) –Library

Wednesday (Day 3) –Gym

  • Please wear tennis shoes

Thursday (Day 4) –Music

Friday –(Day 5) –Art

What Are We Learning Next Week?


  • Subtraction

Read Aloud(s)/Poem(s)

  • Retelling Fiction Books

  • Making Text to Self Connections


  • Medial Vowel Sounds (a, e, I, o, u)

  • Long & Short Vowel Sounds (a, e, I, o, u)

  • CVC Words (3 letter words)

  • Sight Words (practice both reading and writing)

  • List A- am, at, can. go, is, like, me, see, the, to

  • List B- dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we

  • List C- and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you

  • List D- day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, you

  • List E- all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who with

  • List F- came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what

  • Please make sure to never have your child use sounds to read sight words, sight words usually do not follow language rules. The 1st sound can be a clue, but not the entire word. Sight words are to be memorized, never sound out sight words


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