MAP Testing
MAP is the abbreviation of Measures for Academic Progress (MAP).
We have students take the MAP Test to determine your child's academic/instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year in the areas of reading and math.
The MAP Test will also be used from grade level to grade level as your child progresses in the school system.
The MAP Test is provided on the computer and is administered in the computer lab at JELV.
The MAP Test will be taken 3 times by your child in the Fall, Winter and Spring.
MAP Tests are unique because they adapt as your child answers the questions to be appropriate for your child's level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude towards testing.
When utilizing MAP Tests, we can administer shorter tests and use less class time while still receiving detailed, accurate information about your child's growth.
Following each testing period, you will receive a report showing your child's growth. We discuss and goal set with your child on an individual basis to try to reach their growth goal. While we have high expectations for all students to reach above and beyond Benchmark Goals as our ultimate goal, please make sure to celebrate any and all gains made by your child, as we do at school. Since all children do not begin at the same academic level, with the same Fall Score, each student learns at different paces and styles, please understand while we want all children to meet and exceed the benchmark, your child can be making great growth and gains in their individual growth goals.
If your child did not make gains or little progress from Fall to Winter or Winter to Spring, we will then look at other classroom assessments to be certain about your child's progress.
If your child is making progress in other classroom assessments, then we look at the one score and analyze if there were problems with taking the test for your child.
If your child shows little or no progress on the MAP and also on classroom assessments, we look at your child's learning needs and will be contacting you with our concerns to assist your child in learning. This could mean more support in the classroom from our classroom teachers with intervention to more specialized support from a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, a Behavior Specialist, an English as a Second Language Teacher or other support staff that would be able to provide extra small group or individual interventions and instruction that will assist your child in progress, not only on the MAP, but academically.
Kindergarten Benchmark RIT Scores
Reading-142.5 Math-143.7
Reading-151 Math-150.7
Reading-157.7 Math-159.1
Reading (Literacy) Games!
You can help to improve your child's Reading RIT Score by playing literacy games on Lexia. We are very fortunate that our school has purchased a student account for each child at JELV. Lexia individualizes literacy games to meet and challenge your child at their specific academic level. See the "Lexia" tab above for more information and to log in to Lexia.
Math Games!
We have finally found a program for our Kindergarteners to enjoy for math! Dreambox is an individualized math program that our district has paid for your child! It is a wonderful way to practice math skills and concepts at home. Please click on the "Dreambox" tab above to head on over to play on Dreambox!
Literacy and Math Games!
Under the "Student Station" tab above you will find lots of FREE Math and Literacy Games for your child to play. I prefer Lexia and Dreambox, but these are fun FREEgames that your child can play to practice the skills and concepts we are working on in the classroom! (Please remember, while I have researched and played all of these games, and check periodically to make sure they are still working links or appropriate, it is still the internet, I have no control over the websites or any changes that are made. Currently they are wonderful, FREE games that are fun and engaging for your child to play and practice skills that we have been learning in the classroom. Please notify me if there are any changes to the links and you discover it before I do.)
I hope you and your child enjoy!
RIT Below 161
Number Sense
Bees and Honey
Duck Shoot
Duck Shoot 10
Counting Sheep
Snapdragon How Many
Count the Kids
Count Us
Hundreds chart 9 more
"B"ase "T"en Bear
Number Concentration
Count the Ants
Number Frames
How many
RIT Below 161 Computation
Finger addition
Math patterns - ask the right question
Make 10 to connect the pipe
Catch 10
Turbo Turtle # line
Make 5, 10, 100
Frog hop
Addition machine
Find the hidden picture
That's a fact - pick add
Number line addition
Sum sense add. number models
Dude's Dilemma - pick add only
RIT 161 - 170
Number Sense
Frog Count Up
Collecting Acorns - use the arrow keys
Number Track - only level 1 or 2
Car Smash Number
Fix the 100"s Chart
Give the Dog a Bone
Caterpillar Math
Objects to 10 or numbers to 10 only
RIT 161-170
Number model ogre hit
Addition speed grid challenge
Subtraction speed grid challenge
subtraction machine
Sum sense subt. number models
Dude's Dilemma - pick Subt.
Around the world in 80 seconds- pick addition
Digit workout
RIT 171 - 180
Number Sense
Fraction bars
Fishy 2's
Butterfly Counting by 2 (Evens)
Butterfly Counting by 2 (Odds)
2 More Than
Butterfly Counting by 5
Spooky Count Backwards by 1
2 Less Than
Base Ten Blocks Game
Shark Pool - base 10 numbers
Lifeguards - ones and tens
Dinosaur 1's and 10's
Sort the Mail - place value by 1, 10, and 100
Number Machine - comparing 3 digit numbers
Cut the Pizza for Friends
Show fractions different ways
Butterfly Counting by 3
Count by 3's
Count by 4's
3 Digit Place Value
Dragon's eggs (odd and even)
Butterfly counting (Random 1,2,3,5,10,100)
Ordering Numbers - pick (numbers to 100)
Guess the Number 1
Guess the number - pick (level 1)
Olympics - pick (order whole numbers up to 50, 100, or 1000)
Olympics - pick (cycling or swimming)
Golf - Place Value to Thousands
Tank - Place Value to Hundred Thousands
Place Value - put the numbers together
Place Value Calculator
Rounding to nearest 10
Rounding to nearest 100
Rounding - deliver the mail
Smartboard - Odds and Evens
Number Balance
RIT 171-180
Master Addition - pick level 3, 4, or 5
Add Like Madd
Addition machine - pick level 2
Sum Sense add
Subtraction Action
Speed grid subtraction
Around the World in 80 seconds - pick subtraction
Subtraction machine - pick level 3
Sum Sense subt
Cyberchallenge - pick add or subt
That's a fact add, subt, mult
Cross the swamp - number models
Dude's Dilemma - pick Mult.
Master Subtraction - pick level 3, 4, or 5
Addition - pick level 2 or 3
Addition - pick level 3 or 5
Speed grid addition - pick levels
Subtraction machine - pick level 2 or 3
Cross the swamp - pick add or subt, then 0-100+, -, *, / Number Balance & Properties
Speed grid subtraction - pick levels
Fix the tracks
Digit work out - pick level 3 or 4
Buy it+
Amoeba Addition
Amoeba Subtraction