T.I.G.E.R. Folder
T.I.G.E.R. stands for Today I've Got Everything Ready.
This folder is the main means of daily communication between home and school. It is very important that your child bring this folder everyday to school.
It will contain:
a clear zipper pouch which is used to send notes to and from home for doctor's/dentist notes, transportation changes, breakfast/lunch money and any other form of contact needed.
A Behavior Calendar to communicate daily your child's behavior.
A Clear Zipper Pouch
Mrs. Candy checks the folders every morning looking in the zipper pouch for these items.
This helps to prevent confusion or lost notes/money/items, since there is only one place we look for these things.
We do not normally check backpacks since many families have more than one home and the items in the backpack are not for school, but to be transfered from parent to parent (such as several changes of clothes).
Please make sure to tell your child not to take items out of the zipper pouch and hand them to us. When children arrive, there are 24 arriving and if items are taken out and not labeled or the child sets it down somewhere, there is no way of knowing who it belongs to. The zipper pouch prevents this from happening, only Mrs. Candy or myself will check the zipper pouches.
Behavior Calendar
Each day Mrs. Candy and myself discuss behavior with your child before dismissal. We turn to the behavior calendar in your child's T.I.G.E.R. Folder and discuss the behavior for the day, your student's calendar is then colored and your child may recieve a reward or no reward, depending on the color. We refer to the Clip Chart colors for this, see Classroom Expectations tab above for more details.
If your child was on GREEN, it will be uncolored in the behavior calendar. Due to the length of time it takes to discuss this with each child and color their folder, we will only color it if your child was on any color other than GREEN. If you look to the image on the left (computer) or above (mobile phone), the child was on green on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 27th!
Not all colors are "poor choice" colors. If your child was on PURPLE or BLUE it means they had exceptional behavior and were role models for other students. You can see this child had 5 days on blue, the 6th, 7th, 19th, 23rd and 28th! Celebrate this at home! Please reward your child for great behavior! It could be a special trip to the park, library, ice cream shop, or to see a special friend/relative. It could also be picking out a toy, their favorite food for dinner, a sticker, a special event, picking out a movie at the Redbox etc... whatever your child enjoys! This helps to motivate your child to have more great behavior days!
If you look to the left (computer) or above (mobile phone), you can see there was one day that the child was on yellow, the 15th. We wrote a short note home about why. The child had been given 3 warnings in the classroom before having to move their clip down to yellow on the classroom clip chart and continued to talk instead of work. This short note is just to help you discuss this behavior at home with your child. Sometimes, if we are short on time at dismissal, we write a number instead of a short note. If there is a number written in the box, refer to the table below the behavior calendar, if a "8" is written in the box, it shows that your child was misbehaving in the hallway, and we would like you to discuss how to behave in the hallway with your child, and appropriate things to do in the hallway at school.
We will only call you if there is an extreme behavior that needs to be discussed or consistent behavior issues.
Poor choices lead to colors of yellow, orange and red. Of course, these are not good days, and need to be discussed with your child, but it is not a significant behavior problem unless your child is consistently receiving yellow/orange/red throughout a single week. If it is a problem, we will contact you by phone and we can discuss possible reasons and solutions for better behavior. Red will require a special note home or a phone call as well.
Please discuss the behaviors at home, it really helps your child understand that both the teachers and the parents/guardians are working together and it significantly improves your child's behavior at school, which increases learning and academic achievement.
Please check it daily and inital it, as in the image on the left. This way, Mrs. Candy and I know that you are consistently supporting us at home and are talking about behavior with your child, both good and poor choices. The image on the left is a great example of a parent/guardian who is initialing the behavior calendar daily and supporting us at home.
Sometimes pulling the behavior out of the plastic sleeve can be tricky. A parent/guardian last year used a dry erase marker and initialed the outside of the page protector each day. This is a great way your can initial the behavior calendar quickly.