Our Thanksgiving Feast and MORE!
Thankgiving Feast!
We are still in need of items for our Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday.
If you are able to send in an item we would greatly appreciate it.
Look for a separate note with the items we need listed in your child’s folder.
Check off anything you could provide and send it back to school on Monday, with the items if possible.
This will help us to be able to prepare and get items Monday night we need for Tuesday!
Thank You!
Important Dates:
11/24 (Tuesday)
Thanksgiving Feast
No School (Thanksgiving Break)
12/2 (Wednesday)
Make-Up Picture Day
If you are unhappy with the picture you purchased, you may return it and retakes will take place on this day.
What Are We Learning Next Week?
Books/Poems of the Week:
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie
stretching out sounds in a word to write the letter/sounds
Concepts of Print
words are written & read left to right, top to bottom
front & back cover, title, title page, pages
author & illustrator
character(s) & setting
Letter(s) & Sound(s):
review of Aa-Zz
Greater Than and Less Than
Specials Schedule:
Monday (Day 6) – Art
Tuesday (Day 1) – Music
Disguise a Turkey Project
We will be making a special holiday project to keep our turkeys safe on Thanksgiving Day! We read the story Run, Turkey, Run!, where the turkey tries to disguise and hide himself from the Farmer to keep from being dinner! In your child’s T.I.G.E.R. Folder, you will find a turkey to disguise! Have fun and enjoy this family project!
Turkeys are due back to school by Tuesday, November 24th!
Lexia and Dreambox
If you are interested in working on more academic skills and content with your child at home, Lexia and Dreambox are perfect if you have internet access.
Dreambox and Lexia are an easy way for your child to practice at home at their individual skill level! Research shows that students show academic progress in math and literacy skills and are prepared for first grade with the use of Lexia and Dreambox.
Our students’ goal is to use Dreambox and Lexia a minimum of 40 minutes per week. That is only 8 minutes per night!
Please be sure your child is completing the activities on their own. It is very important that we receive accurate information so that we know how to help your child in the classroom.
If you need your child’s Log In and Password or access information
need the internet address or application please let us know. We will send it home in your child’s T.I.G.E.R. Folder
Please complete and return the YELLOW TECHNOLOGY SURVEY for Non-Traditional Instruction Days as soon as possible.
We would like to know what kind of technology families have access to at home before snow days occur.