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We had an AWESOME first few days of Kindergarten!

We are off to a great start in kindergarten! I am looking forward to working with your child this year! Thank you for all the school supplies that have been sent in this week!

Week in Review:


  • We had a great first day of kindergarten. We read and went on scavenger hunt around the school looking for Chester the raccoon. Ask your child what kind of “kiss” Chester left for us.


  • We illustrated our feelings about the first day of school and made our first class book! Some of us were able to write words with the illustration!

Important Dates and Reminders

  • There is no homework in Kindergarten until after Fall Break in October, until then, your child's homework will be to learn to tie their shoes! Please help your child and practice with your child. Below are some videos that can help!

Please send in all completed paperwork on Monday!

  • If you have not already done so, please send in a change of clothes to be kept in your child’s cubby incase of an accident.

  • We all go to Breakfast in the Cafeteria, it is $1.00 or you can send in a small breakfast snack and drink.

  • If you prefer for your child to bring breakfast, please place your Breakfast and Lunch in separate containers/bags.

  • It is very difficult for students to differentiate between the two. It is very difficult for Candy & I to check every lunch box and divide it up for every child in our classroom before Breakfast.

  • It does not have to be a separate lunch box, you can place it in a paper bag or even a Kroger or Walmart bag with your child’s name on it.

September 3rd – Parent Orientation

  • I will send you a reminder of the time you signed up for at open house.

  • If you have not already signed up, the times are 5:00-5:30, 5:45-6:15 and 6:30-7:00

  • Please let me know what time works for you! You only need to attend one of these sessions.

September 7th – No School

T.I.G.E.R. Folders

(Today I’ve Got Everything Ready)

Your child received their T.I.G.E.R. Folder on their first day of school. This folder will be taken home and bought back to school each day. If you have any questions regarding the folders please feel free to contact me! Thanks!

If you have breakfast/lunch money please place it in the zipper pouch in your child’s T.I.G.E.R. Folder.

You can also place any type of note in the zipper pouch in your child’s T.I.G.E.R. Folder.

  • It could be a note for transportation, absence, and so on.

  • Placing it the zipper pouch makes it easy for us to see when checking the T.I.G.E.R. Folders. We know that it is important and urgent if it is inside of the zipper pouch.

  • Since it is in the zipper pouch, it won’t fall out of your child’s folder and is less likely to be removed by the child.

Please initial your child’s behavior calendar inside of their T.I.G.E.R. Folder every night.

  • When you initial it, please take a few moments to talk about your child’s day together.

  • Remember that it will only be colored in of your child was on any color other than green. If the calendar is left blank, it means your child had a great day on green!

  • If your child was on green, blue or purple remember to celebrate a great day!

Purple=Leader of the Jungle,

Blue= Standing Out,

Green=Ready to Learn,

Yellow= Slow Down and Think,

Orange=Rumble in the Jungle,

Red=Caught Off Track

Specials Schedule

(We are on a six-day rotation)

Monday: (Day 4) Science

Tuesday: (Day 5) – Library

Wednesday: (Day 6) – Art

Thursday: (Day 1) – Music

Friday: (Day 2) – Gym

  • Please send your child to school in tennis shoes on Gym Days!

Wish List

The following items are needed for a special school bus snack we will be having next week. Please let me know if you are able to send in any of the items.

  • Graham Crackers

  • White Icing

  • Mini - Oreos

  • Pretzel squares

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