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Snow Day Packet


Dear Families,

Just wanted to send out a reminder that the next 10 days we may miss for snow or inclement weather will be under the Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Snow Day Plan.

This means that you will need to complete the snow day page from the packet that was sent home in December. If you are in need of another packet please let us know ASAP so we can get another one sent home to you.

The next day we return please send in the completed sheet from the snow day(s) that was/were missed.

I will be keeping track of who completes these assignments. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Also remember that you can call the school on those days but there may not be someone here to answer phones. The best way to contact me on those days is through e-mail.

Thank you for your efforts to keep learning going even on snow days!


Ms. Lindle & Mrs. Candy

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